Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Ethnic association

If you look at the ethnicity maps, it is apparent that people of the same race or ethnicity tend to group together. They live in close proximity with other of their own race. It must give them a sense of belonging, and helps to strengthen cultural sentiments. At the same time, this sentiment could also develop negatively, just like too much nationalism. There might be so much pride in one's own culture, that they act out against other races. There would be no avoiding conflict because of the city's design.
The images of the city, show how close all the buildings really are. there is very little room, it's a concrete jungle. We see an image of children playing in an small alley strewn with garbage. That is the type of poverty these lower income areas faced.  It seems logical that the different ethnic/racial groups of people would have to intermingle in low income places due to the overcrowded living areas.
The Hull House itself is an example of the intermingling. The city is analogous to the Hull House. In the house, there were people of different races and incomes. The goal was to get them to mingle. In the images we got of the Hull House, all the Mexicans were sitting together. They were in the same area as the upperclass and they intermingled, but they still felt drawn to people like themselves. In the city we have pockets of people with various races and incomes. All of these pockets are in the general vicinity of each other, and sometimes overlap, ( like how the article on moodle has a Greek-Italian area).

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